Showing posts from February, 2022Show all
BMI calculator gui java program.
 Write a java program to create a GUI that resembles a telephone keypad.
Write a java program to print "Hello World"  using swing package.
Create the following GUI screen using appropriate layout managers. Accept the name, class , hobbies of the user and apply the changes and display the selected options in a text box.
Write a java program to accept the details of items as item_code, item_name and item_price.if price>5000 the throw the exception as Overprice Exception and give proper message.Otherwise display the item details. Define required exception class.
Write a java program to accept a name of college and change case of each alphabet using command line arguments.
Write a C program that behaves like a shell which displays the command prompt ‘myshell$’. It accepts the command, tokenize the command line and execute it by creating the child process. Also implement the additional command ‘typeline’ as myshell$ typeline n filename: It will display first n lines of the file. myshell$ typeline -n filename: It will display last n lines of the file. myshell$ typeline a filename: It will display all the lines of the file.
Write a C program that behaves like a shell which displays the command prompt ‘myshell$’. It accepts the command, tokenize the command line and execute it by creating the child process. Also implement the additional command ‘count’ as myshell$ count c filename: It will display the number of characters in given file myshell$ count w filename: It will display the number of words in given file myshell$ count l filename: It will display the number of lines in given file.
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