Infix to postfix C program :
#include<stdio.h> #define MAXSIZE 20 typedef struct stack { int data[MAXSIZE]; int top; }STACK; int isempty(STACK *ps) { return ps->top==-1; } int isfull(STACK *ps) { return ps->top==MAXSIZE-1; } void push(STACK *ps, int num) { ps->data[++ps->top]=num; } int pop(STACK *ps) { int num; num=ps->data[ps->top]; ps->top--; return num; //return ps->data[ps->top--]; } int peek(STACK *ps) { return ps->data[ps->top]; } int priority(char op) //gives priority of an operator { int p; switch(op) { case '(': p=0; break; case '+': case '-': p=1; break; case '*': case '/': p=2; break; case '^': p=3; } return p; } void convert(char infix[20], char postfix[20]) { int i,j=0; char ch, ch1; STACK s;; for(i=0; infix[i]!='\0'; i++) { ch=infix[i]; switch(ch) { case '(' : push(&s, ch); break; case ')': ch1=pop(&s); while(!isempty(&s) && ch1!='(') { postfix[j++]=ch1; ch1=pop(&s); } break; case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '^': while( !isempty(&s) && priority(ch)<=priority(peek(&s)) ) postfix[j++]=pop(&s); push(&s,ch); break; default: //operand postfix[j++]=ch; }//end switch }//end for while(!isempty(&s)) postfix[j++]=pop(&s); postfix[j++]='\0'; } int evaluate(char postfix[20]) { int i, opnd1, opnd2, value; char ch; STACK s;; for(i=0; postfix[i]!='\0'; i++) { ch=postfix[i]; switch(ch) { case '+': opnd2=pop(&s); opnd1=pop(&s); push(&s, opnd1+opnd2); break; case '-': opnd2=pop(&s); opnd1=pop(&s); push(&s, opnd1-opnd2); break; case '*': opnd2=pop(&s); opnd1=pop(&s); push(&s, opnd1*opnd2); break; case '/': opnd2=pop(&s); opnd1=pop(&s); push(&s, opnd1/opnd2); break; default: printf("\nEnter value of operand %c : ", ch); scanf("%d",&value); push(&s, value); } } return pop(&s); } void main() { char infix[20], postfix[20]; int ans; printf("Enter the infix string :"); scanf("%s",infix); convert(infix, postfix); printf("The postfix string is :%s", postfix); ans=evaluate(postfix); printf("The answer is %d", ans); }
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